Using technology for good to help the third sector be leaner
More and more charities are leaning on the time saving benefits of chatbots to redeploy staff in a more meaningful way. Our new charity clients at Disruption Works, agree that their people have never been a more precious resource than they are now.

More and more charities are leaning on the time saving benefits of chatbots to redeploy staff in a more meaningful way.
All organisations will agree that their people have never been a more precious resource than they are now. In the charity sector, that was hit so hard over the last two years this has never been truer.
So, this is where Disruption Works, based in the Plymouth Science Park are using technology for good to help this sector with smarter communication management via chatbots. They have won some great new contracts this year already, but the ones that stand out and that they are particularly proud of are the charities, Age Cymru and Contact for families with disabled children.
These two national charities are both keen on extending the service, reach and support that they offer, with the chatbot available 24/7 to support that goal. Helping the people they support, sometimes as a semi-emergency, more efficiently with better capacity around their services and information.
They hold huge resources of useful information and advice, however, finding the relevant piece of this can be tricky for the end user, which can often trigger an inbound email or phone call, using up valuable time for quite often simple enquiries, where the information was available online, just not easy to locate.
“The chatbots will make sure that visitors to the charity’s website or social media have answers to their queries quickly and accurately without having to dive deeply into the huge library of information that the charities have available.” explains Steve Tomkinson, Managing Director of Disruption Works.
“The chatbot will pluck out the information from a question asked and point them in the right direction or answer it directly, reducing the inbound queries that are non-essential so their teams can give the complex queries more time and attention”
“We are really excited to work with these great charities and we are sure that the chatbots will have a huge impact on the way they work and help their audiences.
“We know that one of these organisations tried to build their own chatbot, but after haemorrhaging time, money and effort, they realised this was fruitless and then reached out to us as a specialist in the market.”
Disruption Works already works with other charities in the UK as well as a wide range of other businesses and organisations. People from all over the world talk to Disruption Works bots, in a comprehensive range of different languages. They even provide QPR with their fan engagement chatbot!
“We feel that the automation of chat conversation or even phone calls should be accessible to any size of business, and we have now made this a reality. After the last two years, these well-designed “myth-busting” solutions are accepted and viewed positively by customers.” Steve went on to highlight.
This technology’s reach is expanding from this exciting Plymouth based business, and their enthusiastic and expert team have a vision of taking the robot out of the human via chatbots and voicebots, improving the experience for both customers and teams in businesses all over the UK and Europe.
About Age Cymru
Age Cymru are a national charity helping older people in Wales and helping and supporting their network of local Age Cymru charities across the whole country.
For more information see :
About Contact – For families with disabled children
They were founded in the 1970s by families of disabled children, who recognised that even if their child’s conditions were different, they shared a common experience – of being a family with a disabled child. They understood how important it is to support each other.
A lot has changed since then but some things haven’t changed nearly enough. There is a desperate lack of services and support for the 620,000 parents in the UK who care for a disabled child. As a result, families face a huge range of challenges and many feel isolated and alone. Coping with extra financial costs and practical challenges can put an enormous strain on daily life, with families more likely to face emotional issues, stress and anxiety.
For more information see: